
Vagina Exercises Your Sex Life Will Thank You For

We’ve all been told that regular exercise will lead to happier, more fulfilled lives. But did you know that the same concept applies to your vagina? Just like lifting weights allows you to become stronger and work harder, exercising your vagina and pelvic muscles lead to happier, more fulfilling sex! And who wouldn’t want that?

The even better news is that you can whip your vagina into shape without breaking a sweat and still reap all the benefits!

Why does my vagina need exercise?

While your vagina is an organ, it works hand-in-hand with all the muscles in your pelvic floor. This band of muscles control your bladder, bowels, and uterus and contribute to the strength of your orgasms. And the stronger these pelvic muscles become, the stronger your orgasms will be! You’ll also gain some vital control over any bladder issues that commonly happen after giving birth. Definitely a win-win!

It’s also essential to exercise these muscles to keep your pelvic tilt at the correct angle. Women who sit a lot, have muscle imbalances, or are generally inactive often suffer from anterior pelvic tilt. This incorrect tilt can cause pain and tightness throughout your back and legs and even pain during sex.

Best Exercises for a Strong Vagina

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are the most commonly known vaginal workouts for a reason. These simple pelvic contractions can be done literally anytime and anywhere to reap fantastic benefits. In fact, you can actually get in your daily Kegels while you finish reading this article!

To perform Kegel exercises, you simply “flex” and hold your vaginal muscles in sets of repetitions.

The most common Kegel routine is to flex and hold for 3–5 seconds then release. Repeat this 10 times per set and try to do 3 sets each day. You can also throw in 3–5 pulses right before you hold for some extra control training.

If you’re having trouble figuring out where these muscles are, the best way to find them is to practice while you’re using the bathroom (gross but beneficial). Next time you go to the bathroom, start, then tense up until the flow stops. You’ll feel the muscles of your pelvic floor tighten to keep your urine in. Release, and you’ve done one Kegel rep!


Yoga is a fantastic way to strengthen all the muscles in your pelvic floor and the ones they connect to as well. Through different “asanas,” yoga stretches and strengthens all your muscles so they can work together in harmony.

Many asanas focus on strengthening your core and glute muscles, as well as releasing tension in your hip flexors and pelvis. These muscles are critical to keeping a good pelvic angle. A few minutes of yoga each day can help repair anterior tilt and keep your hips nice and loose for more comfortable and enjoyable sex.

You can find plenty of core, hip, and leg-focused yoga tutorials on YouTube, or you can download a workout chart that’s easy to follow.

 Core Exercises

You can also strengthen your pelvic floor and correct anterior tilt by doing core workouts! Like yoga, core workouts target the muscles that work together with your pelvic floor to give you the kind of posture you want for the most rewarding (and pain-free!) sex.

Here are the best core exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor:

  • Glute Bridges: These are perfect for strengthening your butt, which in turn helps your pelvic floor.
  •  Reverse Planks: Reverse planks target your pelvic and glute muscle systems to help keep your pelvic tilt at a prime angle.
  • Lying Pelvic Tilts: A pelvic tilt exercise teaches you how to control your pelvic angle and works those lower abs!
  • Plank: This classic exercise strengthens your whole core and requires you to keep your pelvis aligned when you hold—no sagging here!

Closing Thoughts

Vaginal exercises are one of the easiest workouts you’ll ever do, but they might just have the highest reward if you keep up with them. Plus, these exercises don’t require a single piece of equipment—only 5–10 minutes of your time every day.

If you currently suffer from anterior tilt-related back or leg pain, you’ll undoubtedly reap the benefits of strengthening your pelvic floor. And let’s not forget the universal benefit of world-class orgasms! Either way, your sex life is going to thank you for this.