5 Easy Tips for Tracking Your Period

As women, our menstrual cycles can reflect a lot about our overall health. Whether it’s a late period or a heavier period than normal, period tracking allows us to know more about our health and bodies simply by our observations and notes.

There are many specific reasons why women prefer tracking their cycles attempting to conceive, irregular periods, etc. Become more knowledgeable and take control of your periods with our five easy tips for tracking your periods.

1. Download a period tracking app

Thanks to advancements in technology, tracking our periods is made much easier and requires no pen and paper. There are many apps to choose from and some may focus on other aspects than others depending what issues or goals you’re looking to get from period tracking.

And the best part about these apps? They do the work and tracking for you. You just simply log your information and they even send you some tips and guidance about what you’re going through.

Test out a few apps and see which ones cater to your lifestyle or goals. Here are a few popular apps to check out:


-Period Tracker Lite

-Flo Period Tracker

-Period Calendar



2. Log your cycle duration

Your cycle is unique and different than other women. Track the timeframe of your cycle including any symptoms or changes before or after your period as well. How long does your cycle last? Did your cycle come early or late this month?

This is important to track so you are aware of what is considered a “normal period” for you and what it compares to other months. In addition, a missed or late period may indicate a potential pregnancy or hormonal issue.

3. Observe your period

Report how light or heavy the flow of your period is throughout your cycle. Is it heavier or lighter towards the start or finish of your cycle? When do you usually notice spotting? What color or texture do you notice? You also want to report any signs of PMS or PMDD (before, during, and after) if you experience any cramps, mood swings, etc. Be sure to log any significant changes that might need professional attention with.

4. Mood, energy, appetite

In addition to logging your period consistency, it’s also great to track the other aspects of our periods that may vary month to month. Are you experiencing any changes in your mood during your cycle? How are your energy levels? Are you prone to getting headaches? It’s also a good idea to track your appetite. It’s common to crave certain foods during our cycles and for some, they might not have an appetite at all.

5. Talk to your OB/GYN

Take your period journal to your next OB/GYN visit. Bring them your concerns and questions if you experience any changes in your period. Remember, only you can recognize any issues or irregularities and it starts with period tracking.