Did you know that it is a common problem for women to have to deal with bacterial vaginosis? It’s also common to wonder about remedies like peroxide to treat bacterial vaginosis. Our vaginas are an extremely sensitive area and we all owe it to ourselves to take extra steps in our feminine hygiene routine. But even with taking the right steps, life happens.
So breathe easy ladies, because you are not alone. It is something that many other women are dealing with right now too!
While many women are suffering from bacterial vaginosis, they don’t actually know the symptoms, solutions, or even what it is. There are a lot of questions about what you can use to treat it. Does hydrogen peroxide work for BV? Is it safe to use? Keep reading to find out more.
What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?
In short, bacterial vaginosis is a common condition that occurs in many women. It’s caused by the changes in the type of bacteria in your vagina. BV happens when the balance of good and bad bacteria gets thrown off in your vagina.
It is also important to remember that this condition is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s also actually incredibly straightforward to treat. It is super common for girls to question how their feminine hygiene affects their chances of getting infections like BV.
When you notice new smells coming from down there you may start to worry even more. It’s completely understandable to question changes in things like smell. Is your hygiene routine putting your vagina at risk? Is it causing the change in smell? Maybe, but there are also other risk factors.
Here are some key risk factors for BV:
- Having sex raises the risk of developing this condition. That is why it is always important to practice safe sex and good feminine hygiene. You want to be smart about your sexual decisions!
- Pregnancy also increases your chances of BV. In fact, this is incredibly common to develop in ladies who are going through pregnancy for the first time. It’s a crazy time for your body and your hormones. Those changes can lead to BV.
- Using a douche can result in an increase of bad bacteria. It’s best to avoid douching at all. It’s not needed and can put your vaginal health at risk. If you want a special cleaning routine for your lady bits, that’s understandable. Instead of douching, use a pH balanced vaginal wash instead.
- Using an IUD as a form of birth control can increase your risk. An IUD changes your hormone levels like any other hormonal birth control option. Because it’s located closer to the vagina, resting right inside the uterus, there can be some additional risks. It’s still a great option for a lot of women so ask your doctor about any concerns you have.
These risks are something that is not meant to scare you. Rather, we have shared them with you to empower you. We want you to be able to take the right steps to prevent BV. There are a variety of ways to deal with BV, so you have options. Most of the time it will be a quick and easy thing to deal with.
How To Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis
As we have just mentioned, there are a range of ways you can prevent bacterial vaginosis. One primary way to prevent it is just to use good vaginal hygiene. Here are some other tips.
Use the right type of cleansers.
This is one of the most common mistakes. Many ladies wash the area with warm water and body wash soap. Body wash is often too scented and harsh for your vaginal area. Stick to unscented soaps and warm water to clean your lady bits. Remember that the vagina needs very little help to stay clean. It’s built to do that all on its own.
Have protected sex.
Using condoms when having sex does more than just protect you from getting unwanted pregnancies. It also helps protect the balance of your bacteria. BV is not considered an STI, but more sex does increase your risk. Semen throws off the balance of things down there. Use a condom and help lower the risk of BV as well as other things.
Be diligent when you have your period.
Having to deal with your period can be a pain. It is so important to ensure you are taking extra care of cleaning down there during period time. Going too long without changing pads or tampons can cause bacterial vaginosis, as well. Just make sure you’re diligent about getting those changed when it’s time. It really does make a difference.
Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis: Yays and Nays
There is a range of ways to treat bacterial vaginosis. While some remedies work, others are just not a great idea. We do want you to treat your BV. We also want you to be comfortable with your treatment options. We just want to make sure you’re making informed choices.
Hydrogen Peroxide Douching: Nay
Many people use peroxide for bacterial vaginosis because it breaks down the walls of bacteria. Unfortunately, douching in and of itself is becoming increasingly less popular. Your vagina just doesn’t need it. It also often does more harm than good.
So while, yes, it could help with BV, it’s a no from us.
Boric Acid Suppositories: Yay!
To no surprise, these are definitely a yay from us. It can actually physically reduce and control the bacteria associated with BV. It’s also helpful in reducing and controlling yeast associated with yeast infections.
So yes, a total yay–so much of a yay, that we even developed our own VeeCleanse Boric Acid Suppositories because we are such strong believers of this awesome solution.
Antibiotics: Yay
Many people go for antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis. It’s just important to remember that you still need to take steps to prevent getting BV. Antibiotics won’t prevent future infections. Go for it, but also remember the other tips you’ve learned here. Keep things clean downstairs, and use condoms whenever possible.
Closing Thoughts
Everyone’s journey with feminine hygiene is different, but proper feminine hygiene doesn’t have to be complex. It’s best to just keep it simple.
So while hydrogen peroxide douching is a common option for many people, we encourage ladies to use other options like boric acid suppositories. It’s just not worth the risk and hydrogen peroxide can make things worse in the long run.
If you still have questions make sure you are asking your doctor about what options you have. They can talk with you about what will work for you and why.
And while we know every one of you will have a different journey with your feminine hygiene care and dealing with bacterial vaginosis, just know that you are not alone. While it may feel awkward talking about things like bacterial vaginosis, you can support yourself by taking the right steps in treating and preventing it.
What steps will you take in your own feminine hygiene journey today?
Sarah Nelson is a nurse with 15 years of experience working with a variety of patients. She has a Masters of Science in Nursing and has spent a large portion of her career working exclusively with women in an OB/GYN setting.
Nursing is a passion for Sarah but she also enjoys writing and sharing her expertise online with people who need helpful information. Treating patients well and helping them learn more about their own bodies is a key essential to a healthy lifestyle that Sarah truly believes in.