
Apple Cider Vinegar for BV: Self Care Tips for Bacterial Vaginosis

Many women have to deal with the consequences and frustrations of bacterial vaginosis. If you’ve dealt with it you know you will do anything to help alleviate your symptoms. Options like apple cider vinegar for BV are getting a lot of attention because of this.

While BV can be treated, the symptoms can be frustrating. Women must deal with both physical and emotional tolls such as:

  • – Excessive vaginal discharge
  • – Fishy odor
  • – Itch and irritation
  • – Confidence and self-esteem issues

Thankfully, apple cider vinegar is a popular yet simple home remedy that has been proven to help treat the symptoms of BV. However, it must be used properly. 

How does Apple Cider Vinegar work?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is prepared by crushing and then fermenting apples. The fermentation process turns the natural sugars in the apple into alcohol and the alcohol then ferments to form acetic acid. It is the acetic acid that is the active ingredient in ACV. This is what assists in preventing both BV odor and infection

This acetic acid supports good bacteria growth throughout the digestive tract. It works because good bacteria thrives on a slightly acidic environment. 

The Benefits of Using Apple Cider Vinegar for BV 

Because of the strong antibacterial properties in acetic acid, ACV really works! It has strong lactic acid which keeps the bacterial growth in your vagina in check. It has also been known to assist in treating vaginal yeast infections

But the best thing about ACV is that it is not just helping with your vaginal health but assisting with your overall health: 

  • – Lactic acid from apple cider vinegar can help unclog pores. 
  • – ACV helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels when consumed regularly. 
  • – Can reduce the fat storage in the body and help aid in weight loss.
Apple Cider Vinegar Vee Cleanse 

According to MedicalNewsToday, the general consensus is to not douche. Especially not with vinegar. When you douche, you alter the vaginal chemistry. Additionally, the use of scented products may cause irritation.

Instead, if you are trying to use ACV to assist with your bacterial vaginosis, try rinsing the vulva instead. Use a solution of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water twice per day. This will help alleviate symptoms and assist your vagina in re-balancing its pH levels. 

Or, better yet, you can use VeeGentle by VeeFresh. Our wash is specifically designed for your vagina and infused with ACV. Additionally, regularly washing and cleansing helps keep your chances of getting recurring BV low.

Apple Cider Vinegar Bath 

Apple cider vinegar baths are beneficial for several reasons—including your vaginal health. ACV has been used in helping with everything from your typical yeast infections to dandruff and eczema. 

white ceramic bathtub

The science behind the soaks? In terms of bacterial vaginosis, ACV is great for inhibiting bacterial or fungal growth. Yeast infections and BV are caused by overgrowth of fungus or bacteria in the vagina. Infections occur when the normal, healthy bacteria become displaced with the bad bacteria. 

To tip the scales back to good bacteria growth, ACV comes into the rescue. Diluted amounts of ACV can help reset the vaginal scales. Simply add no more than a cup to a filled bathtub and have a soak! 

Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Apple cider vinegar pills are simply dehydrated forms of the vinegar in an easy to consume supplement. Since some people have a hard time consuming liquid apple cider vinegar, pills may be the right alternative. 

The amount of ACV you will find in a pill is going to vary by brand. However, a typical capsule will contain about 500 mg. Note that consuming ACV pills might be great for other internal systems but could leave more to be desired when it comes to your vaginal health.

The Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar

Too much of a good thing can be bad. While it is extremely beneficial in women’s health you have to be careful of your consumption and use of ACV. 

woman sitting outdoor during daytime

Drinking excessive amounts of ACV can decrease your potassium levels, which can be dangerous. Additionally, some ACV supplements on the market were noted for having several times the amount of acid in them. 

Apple cider vinegar can also react with other medications. Before you start using it, you should make sure your doctor is in the loop. They’ll be able to help monitor or warn you of side effects.

Some of the other reported side effects to ingesting ACV have been:

  • – Low blood sugar when combined with diabetes medication or insulin
  • – Tooth erosion
  • – Chemical skin burns
  • – Esophageal burns
  • – GI distress

Note that most of these side effects come from consuming or using ACV in a concentrated form. These side effects may be reduced or eliminated when you use it as a supplement.

Our takeaway on ACV? 

When it comes to women’s health, apple cider vinegar is a huge component in home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. While there are many options on the market, the acidity of ACV can truly help give healthy bacteria the support it needs. 

While consuming ACV seems like it can be riskier, using it topically or as a soak seems to be a better way of helping your vaginal help in the long run. Remember that it’s one of many great options for treating BV at home. If you have questions about how it will affect your health, it’s always a good idea to ask your doctor.

Treating BV can be a little frustrating but with options like ACV you’ll be back to yourself in no time.