From yoga and pilates to weightlifting and cardio, there are many ways to physically strengthen our bodies and overall health. But what if we told you there are ways to work out and strengthen your vagina? Kegel exercises are easy “clench and release” movements to improve the muscles in your pelvic floor.
What is our pelvic floor? This is a series of muscles and tissues located between your hips that holds your reproductive organs. You might notice a weak pelvic floor if you have the inability to control your bladder or even bowels.
The importance of these specific muscles come with many benefits. Our pelvic muscles are essential for improved sex with orgasms. They also help with controlling bodily functions like urine, and help support during childbirth.
There are many factors that affect the strength of our pelvic floor. Factors like age, weight, and constipation all play a role. Kegel exercises are easy to do and can help improve and maintain these essential muscles.
The amazing thing about kegel exercises is the ability to do them anywhere and at any time no gym needed. It can take less than 5 minutes to do and you have the preference to do them weekly or daily.
So how do we correctly and effectively do kegel exercises? If you’re starting kegel exercises for the first time, take a clean finger into your vaginal and squeeze your vaginal walls around your finger.
You can also notice that these are the same vagina muscles contracting when urinating or holding in your bladder. By squeezing and tightening these muscles for 5-10 seconds can help strengthen these muscles. Repeat if you are able!
Here are some tips when doing kegels:
-It’s important to empty your bladder before doing kegel exercises.
-You should not be contracting your abdomen, buttocks, and back during kegel. These areas should remain loose and relaxed.
-If you feel pain in your core or back muscles, you are not doing the exercises correctly.
-Never overdo kegel exercises. If you overwork these muscles too much, they can become exhausted to do their simple, daily functions.
If you still aren’t sure if you’ve found your pelvic muscles, pay a visit to your gynecologist. Just how every body varies, they can help you identify the correct muscles to contract and may answer any questions you may have about the exercise. They can even recommend a vaginal cone or other kegel exercises that may work specifically for you.
All in all, kegel exercises aren’t meant to overthink, but to have fun!