Ways to Care For Your Vagina Before and After Sex

Everybody loves sex ironically, all except the vagina. From sweat, vaginal fluids, and even sex lubricant, there’s a lot that goes down during sex and it’s crucial that our after-care is done effectively and properly.
Though it might feel great to lay there and fall asleep after a sex session, you might want to rethink the vaginal consequences that might happen afterwards esepcially if you’re prone to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Check out our five simple after-sex tips to keep your vagina happy. Let’s get it on!

First things first remember to pee

There’s more to it than just taking a leak after sex. This simple act immediately after sex flushes out any bacteria that was penetrated into the uretha. This prevents any UTIs or infections from rising. Using a condom? Great, but peeing afterwards is still recommended. 

Simple Keep Clean-Up 

Shower off or wipe it down, but we never recommend douching after sex. Douching can push bacteria further down the urethra and can cause even more of an infection. Remember, your vagina is self-cleaning and anything that’s forced into its path can throw off its natural pH level, especially after sex. If you prefer using a specific wash or wipe, be sure to do your research beforehand to see if it’s natural and vagina-safe. 

Additionally clean-up also means washing your hands. Our genitals aren’t the only thing in contact during sex so be sure to wash those hands after using the toilet.

If sex toys were also used during sex, take the time to thoroughly wash them with proper soap and water. If you think just wiping them down is enough, think again. 

Stay Hydrated

If you got down and sweaty in the sheets, hydrated yourself with a cup of water. Not only does it keep you from being dehydrated but it can also flush out any UTI-causing bacteria from your bladder. 

Air it Out

If you’re able to, go commando. The vagina goes through a lot during sex and letting it breathe after proper cleansing can help it recover easier and faster. Throw on some loose-fitting pajamas or cotton underwear to keep your vagina fresh and dry. 

Try a VeeCleanse Suppository

When in doubt, take a VeeFresh’s VeeCleanse suppository after sex. This fast-acting suppository is natural, safe, and can knock out lingering odors. Taking one pill will flush impurities while maintaining a good vaginal pH.